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Are Search Terms Obsolete? The Future of Search in eDiscovery

In the ever-evolving landscape of legal technology, the sole reliance on traditional search terms is rapidly becoming outdated. The legal field has long depended on keyword searches to sift through vast amounts of documents. However, as technology advances, it’s clear that search terms may not be sufficient for the complex and nuanced needs of modern [...]

By |2024-10-01T19:10:52+00:00October 17th, 2024|AI, ChatGPT, ediscovery, Litigation Support, Privilege Log|0 Comments

Six Challenges When Collecting Social Media Artifacts for eDiscovery Litigation

Social media platforms are one of society’s primary communication channels, not just for personal interactions but also for business communications. Consequently, collecting social media artifacts for eDiscovery purposes is a crucial aspect of many investigations and lawsuits. This process is complicated for many reasons, presenting unique challenges that legal professionals must carefully navigate. Challenge #1: [...]

By |2024-10-01T18:59:46+00:00October 14th, 2024|AI, ChatGPT, e-discovery, Litigation Support, Privilege Log|0 Comments

How the Failure to Preserve Data from a Mobile Device Can Drastically Affect Trial Strategy

The importance of early planning and thorough preservation of electronic data cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to litigation. In a recent case, Two Canoes LLC v. Addian Inc. (April 30, 2024), the failure to preserve WeChat messages on a mobile device led to significant complications, including potential sanctions. Let’s dive into this case [...]

Going Mobile: Mobile Device Data in Criminal Investigations

While data from mobile devices is more frequently responsive in civil litigation than ever before, “true crime” aficionados know it’s routinely useful in criminal investigations. We take our devices with us and use them everywhere, creating a trail of evidence. From capturing incriminating photos and videos to tracking locations and analyzing online activities, mobile devices [...]

August’s Notable Cases and Events in E-Discovery

This Sidley Update addresses the following recent developments and court decisions involving e-discovery issues: 1. A decision from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York ordering the plaintiff to implement added data security measures to certain electronically stored information (ESI) produced by the defendant and declining to shift the costs of [...]

Spoliation Sanctions & Summary Judgment Denial: A Wake-Up Call for Mobile Device Preservation

A recent decision in ediscovery case law, Maziar v. City of Atlanta from June 10, 2024, underscores the crucial importance of early preservation, particularly regarding text messages from mobile devices. This case, presided over by United States District Judge Steven Grimberg, offers valuable lessons for litigation professionals. Notably, it represents one of the first instances [...]

Use Of Artificial Intelligence in E-Discovery

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a new concept, with the term widely accepted to have entered popular us­age as early as 1955 when computer scientist (and AI founding father) John McCarthy coined it as part of his efforts to consolidate thinking and new ideas around ‘thinking machines’. The following year, McCarthy and others organized the [...]

The Power and Pitfalls of Social Media Evidence in Trademark Infringement Cases

In this article we'll discuss a few recent cases that reflect how social media evidence can play an important role in establishing consumer confusion in trademark infringement lawsuits. As social media has become an essential tool for businesses trying to reach wider audiences and build brand recognition, it has also made way for an increase [...]

Going Mobile: Data Discoverable on Mobile Devices

If you ask most legal professionals about discovery of data from mobile devices, the discussion typically turns to text messages. However, there are several other data types unique to mobile devices that are not only discoverable, but often important in litigation and other discovery use cases as well. Not only that, but each device has [...]

By |2024-08-08T14:53:08+00:00August 13th, 2024|AI, Collections, e-discovery, Litigation Support|0 Comments

July’s Notable Cases and Events in E-Discovery

This Sidley Update addresses the following recent developments and court decisions involving e-discovery issues: 1. An amendment to the Joint Local Rules of the Eastern and Southern Districts of New York effective July 1, 2024, amending Local Rule 26.2(c) to address the potential use in certain circumstances of categorical or metadata privilege logs instead of [...]

By |2024-08-08T14:32:00+00:00August 9th, 2024|AI, ChatGPT, e-discovery, Litigation Support|0 Comments
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