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eDiscovery for Law Firms

Streamlining Legal Processes: How eDiscovery is Helping Law Firms Save Time and Money Understanding the Impact and Importance of eDiscovery for Law Firms In today’s technology-driven world, what many refer to as “digital evidence” is everywhere, from emails to instant messages and social media posts. With this shift, the legal industry faces an increasing demand [...]

By |2025-01-06T20:37:37+00:00January 13th, 2025|AI, Collections, e-discovery, Investigations, Litigation|0 Comments

Chess, Not Checkers: Data Collection Strategies in Complex Litigation

Understanding data sources before complex litigation begins is essential to address the challenges associated with data preservation and collection. Complex cases often involve large volumes of data from a diverse set of sources, including emails, databases, cloud storage, messaging platforms, and physical documents. As a result, data collection strategies for complex litigation differ significantly from [...]

Spoliation Sanctions & Summary Judgment Denial: A Wake-Up Call for Mobile Device Preservation

A recent decision in ediscovery case law, Maziar v. City of Atlanta from June 10, 2024, underscores the crucial importance of early preservation, particularly regarding text messages from mobile devices. This case, presided over by United States District Judge Steven Grimberg, offers valuable lessons for litigation professionals. Notably, it represents one of the first instances [...]

Going Mobile: Data Discoverable on Mobile Devices

If you ask most legal professionals about discovery of data from mobile devices, the discussion typically turns to text messages. However, there are several other data types unique to mobile devices that are not only discoverable, but often important in litigation and other discovery use cases as well. Not only that, but each device has [...]

By |2024-08-08T14:53:08+00:00August 13th, 2024|AI, Collections, e-discovery, Litigation Support|0 Comments

How Much Detail is Enough in a Privilege Log?

In Southern Pine Credit Un. v. Southwest Marine & Gen’l. Ins. Co., et al., 2024 WL 1361891 (M.D. Ga. Mar. 29, 2024), the court addressed the amount of detail that must be in a privilege log. Southern Pine brought a breach of contract action after its claim on a dishonesty bond was denied. There were [...]

How do eDiscovery Services handle Large Volumes of Electronic Data in Litigation Cases?

The investigation portion of lawsuits involves both parties asking each other for information. Electronic discovery or eDiscovery is the process of electronically identifying, collecting, preserving, reviewing, and producing electronically stored information (ESI) for legal proceedings or investigations. This discovery process is part of all civil cases and aims to find admissible evidence in a civil [...]

Resourcing Your Public Records/FOIA Requests Response with a Lean Team

Part 3. When it comes to managing FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and similar public records requests, resourcing your team effectively is crucial. Even with a small team, you can achieve a lot by appointing an expert internally and implementing a few key strategies. Begin by identifying which departments receive the most FOIA requests. Assign [...]

What are the Growing Challenges with Public Records/FOIA Requests?

The number of public records requests filed each year is on the rise, presenting a significant challenge for government agencies. One of the core obstacles faced by these agencies is the tight timing constraints imposed by laws governing these requests. Failure to meet these deadlines can result in severe consequences. To effectively manage these requests, [...]

The Importance of Attorney Oversight in ESI Collection; Dangers of Client Self-Collection

In litigation, allowing a client to handle the process of collecting its electronic discovery without adequate attorney oversight of quality control validation can lead to serious trouble for all concerned. Courts throughout the country have repeatedly held that attorneys have professional and ethical duties to ensure the adequacy of their clients’ actions in identifying, preserving, [...]

Five Practice Pointers When eDiscovery Includes Slack and Other Collaborative Messaging Tools

Collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams and Slack are sources of information that often contain highly relevant communications important to any investigation or litigation. Many companies today are adopting these tools as their primary source of internal communication and collaboration. Because many companies have embraced these collaboration tools, so must the litigator when attempting to reconstruct [...]

By |2024-01-09T17:11:55+00:00January 19th, 2024|AI, ChatGPT, Collections, ediscovery, Litigation Support|0 Comments
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