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Artificial Intelligence Prompts And When The Source Of The Error Is NOT Between The Keyboard And The Chair

'Prompt engineering' is a hot topic, but what if every generative AI tool has a different vision of what amounts to a good prompt? Boolean mastery was once the coin of the legal writing realm. Marrying keen legal thinking, a sense of how courts write, and the ability to appreciate the difference between a timely [...]

Ediscovery for Paralegals

In legal matters, e-discovery is revolutionizing how legal professionals handle evidence. E-discovery, or electronic discovery, refers to the process of seeking, locating, securing, and searching electronic data with the intent of using it as evidence in legal cases. From emails and documents to social media interactions and cloud storage, digital footprints are increasingly pivotal in [...]

The Current State of AI Regulations

Last time, we continued our “nuts and bolts” series of artificial intelligence (AI) for legal professionals with a look at three recent American Bar Association (ABA) resolutions regarding AI. Laws and regulations regarding AI are continually evolving with many countries around the world still lacking comprehensive AI regulations. However, there are several existing frameworks and [...]

February’s Notable Cases and Events in E-Discovery

This Sidley Update addresses the following recent developments and court decisions involving e-discovery issues: 1. an order from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California requiring the Defendant to provide, at the outset of a multidistrict proceeding, information about the approximately 15,700 recipients of its litigation hold notices and the sources of [...]

January’s Notable Cases and Events in E-Discovery

This Sidley Update addresses the following recent developments and court decisions involving e-discovery issues: 1. an order from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California limiting a subpoena to Discord for electronically stored information (ESI) and declining to compel Discord to produce passwords and content for certain accounts, under 28 U.S.C. § [...]

Lessons Learned From the Overuse of ESI Protocols

ESI protocols have become a Frankenstein monster of requirements that create obligations well beyond the Federal Rules of discovery, addressing a vast array of discovery topics including search terms, privilege logs and technology-assisted review. What lessons can we take away from the overuse of ESI protocols? While not found in the Federal Rules of Civil [...]

Six eDiscovery Trends for 2024

2023 was an eventful year in the world of legal technology, with new technology emerging to address both traditional and new challenges legal teams face when collecting, processing, and reviewing data for litigation, investigations, or public access requests. What will 2024 hold, especially in the world of eDiscovery? We’ve captured the top trends for the [...]

Planning to Add More E-Discovery Tools to Your Tech Stack

Is your legal department using multiple e-discovery solutions or review tools? Or is it planning to add another tool to its tech stack? As a Legal Ops professional, you need to figure out whether you need an additional tool when the department has several or whether you want to take advantage of a different pricing [...]

One Tool, Two Tool, Three Tool: Better?

Many firms and companies may be using multiple eDiscovery solutions or review tools in the course of their investigations and litigation. Or, they may be contemplating adding another tool to the box. This can be for functionality, pricing, or other reasons, and it’s important to determine why. If you’re looking to add a tool, in [...]

Apps That Wipe Out Messages Fast Create E-Discovery Minefields

Ephemeral messaging apps, which automatically erase users’ messages in a short time, are being used more than ever in the workplace. Given the copious amounts of data these apps generate, it’s already having a significant effect on e-discovery and the legal field. This new form of communication hasn’t diminished attorneys’ ethical and legal obligations. Feigning [...]

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